Monday, February 19, 2007

It's Just Plain Stupid.......

hmm.... its weird.....

we like ice cream right? but why do we still eat them if ice cream can make us sick and have cough?

jeepneys are used everyday and it has become a very used transportation so robberies are often planned in jeepneys so why do we still ride them?

technology can help us make work easier but how now if technology would control us?

we know mcdonalds have fake beefs right? so why do we still eat them?

softdrinks are not good, it's still better if you drink water instead so why are we still drinking coke?

we know corruption is bad but why do we still cling to it?

piracy is bad since it steals so why do we still buy pirated things?

we know nature is important in the balance of the world so why do we have to destroy it?

chain mails are not true, its just plain stupid so why do we still send them?

many questions, many mysteries.... why? is it fate? it is just coincidence? or is it our human nature? with just one question, many answers can be formed and these answers can be false... but why do we still search for answers? the world is visible yet full of darkness... we search for answers not knowing that these answers can either destroy us or benefit us but still we struggle.
then that means we gamble our lives for that. luck is not real, it's just a state of mind but gambling means we try our luck so is luck really real? it can twist our minds and if we are not careful, it can destroy us too.

i say to you, if we live in philosophy, we would die eventually correct? so why do we need philosophy then? can't we just not think about it? it's just plain stupid

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