Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Going with the Flow or Not?

of course you all know that going with the flow means you get along with the situation going against the flow is you go backwards in a situation. thinking about it... isnt it obvious that going against the flow is also going with it in another way?

now if we look at the water system of the world, water flows from the spring to the river then to the ocean is one of the routes in the system. going further into the spring to river route, if you look at the part where the water of the spring meets with the water of the river, the spring water goes against the current of the river but look... even though the spring water goes aganst it, we all know that it's still in the river and the river goes to the ocean so technically spring water goes with the river inspite of spring water battling the river. by comparing it to peers, even though we go against the flow, still there is an action where you go with the flow. for example, you dont want to go to a party and your peers want you to go. you go against them and you will think that you went against them but without thinking you also go with the flow since somewhere, somehow people are experiencing that too.

so if we encounter such event, we should not think that going with or against the flow is bad since both are really not good or bad. these things are made up by philosophers and we really shouldnt think about it. we cant please everyone but it is important that you protect yourself. dont think that you are going against the flow of your peers since it is wrong. top priority is you take care of yourself.

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