Saturday, March 3, 2007

Crimes are like Demons...

okay lemme make an example, i think you all have known the PS3 or playstation 3 right? if not then you live near the school with no cable and overprotective relatives =P gamers said ps3 is a mistake by Sony.

why is it a mistake? well lemme tell you:
1. console cost the most out of the 3 nextgen consoles
2. they got exclusive games that they proudly boast which made it more expensive
3. they made a bunch of ridiculous claimes like Nintendo Wii is for the novelty blah blah but their butt's being kicked by the Wii itself
4. they used Bluray disks that gamers really dont need

Sony didnt like anyone to pirate their product so they made these implementations but look, they are going down. piracy is like the devil, we can't destroy it by ourselves since they are powerful too. piracy is a crime but if you try to prevent it, you'll go down along with it like if you try to destroy the devil, it'll just make your life harder. it's weird but it's the way of life. we humans can't destroy crime and evil really. let God handle it since He is the only one who can..

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